
About Karla
Karla is a physician and scientist who likes puppies, pilates, and pediatrics.  Karla hails from Newark, Delaware.  She has traveled to almost every state in the US, often while her parents were looking for rocks or bears. She has not yet been to Alaska, and likely will never go there because it is too cold. However, she did travel to the great north (also known as Hanover, NH) to go to college at Dartmouth, where she was a swimmer.  Her favorite foods include Taylor Pork Roll, Jelly Belly jelly beans, and Butterfinger candy bars.

About Rob
Rob is a scientist who likes microscopes, music, cooking, scotch, and beer.  Rob grew up in the small town of Grapeville, Pennsylvania, home of Westmoreland Glass and purple firetrucks.  Rob went to the "big city" for college at the University of Pittsburgh before moving to a real big city (Philadelphia) for graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania.    

About Zoey
Zoey is a cockapoo, a cocker spaniel-poodle mix. She likes playing chase, sniffing around in the park, eating chicken and other assorted meats, barking at cats and other assorted wildlife, and taking extended naps. She also campaigns against mixed-breed-dog discrimination and solves mysteries in her spare time.

About Karla & Rob
Rob and Karla first met in 2003 in Philadelphia while they were biomedical graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania, but they didn't start dating until 2005.  In the subsequent years, they accumulated a few graduate degrees, acquired an adorable cockapoo puppy named Zoey, had many good times, encountered many wonderful people, and made many fond memories.  They share a love of cockapoos, a fondness for bourbon, and a special hatred of the ending of the TV series "Lost."

They lived in Philly until 2012, when they moved to the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh, where they currently reside.  After many years together, they were engaged in 2012 and were married in 2014.  While they love Pittsburgh, they are moving back to Philadelphia in 2015.  However, you can rest assured that they will still raise their future children to be Steelers fans.